
Literature : To Kill A Mockingbird

“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee is mainly reflects about the American’s society during late 1930’s. During this time, the black’s life was in misery. It is because; the whites were very racist and never accept the blacks in their community. The whites never trust the blacks and they discriminate them. So, in this novel, the major theme is racism and followed by the theme of empathy and bravery.
     The theme of racism in this novel is not only just for the whites towards the blacks. There were also the racism between the blacks towards the whites and between the whites and whites.  First of all, the whites were always being prejudiced to the blacks. The whites were also never trust the blacks. It seems that they already had a mind set about the blacks. As example, Tom Robinson, who is a black man was accused for raping Mayella Ewells, who is a white just like that. He was convicted purely because of he is a black man, and the accuser is a white. So, it is clearly shown here that the blacks cannot do anything to defeat the whites. The other example is the juries in the court during the trial. All the juries were whites. This is show the inequality and injustice of the society towards the blacks although it is clearly shown that Tom Robinson was not guilty. The society also showed their racism by dividing the town to black’s area and the white’s area. The next racism is between the whites themselves. The example of this racism can be seen in chapter 12, page 173, “… The tribe which Burris Ewell and his brethren consisted had lived on the same plot of earth behind the Maycomb dump for three generation.” This line shows how the upper class of the white’s society looking down at the Ewell’s family, who is also whites just because of they are poor and live at the dumpsite. It makes the Ewell’s family as same as the blacks. Then, the racism of the blacks towards the whites can be seen in chapter 12, page 158. The line quoted, “Lula stopped, but she said, “You ain’t got no business bringin’ white chillun here – they got their church, we got our’n. it is our church, ain’t it, Miss Cal?” shows that the blacks also didn’t like the blacks. It also showed that they were also dividing their church. It means that, the whites have their own church and also the blacks. There were also racism happens in our Malaysian’s community long time ago. It happens between the 3 major races in Malaysia that are Malays, Chinese and Indian. Luckily, this problem was solved and we can live in this peace and safe environment here.
The other theme discussed in this novel is empathy. Empathy can be defined as identifying with another person's feelings. In this novel, the empathy was showed by Atticus. It is because; he agreed to defend Tom Robinson, who is a black just for the sake of justice. Example of the empathy of Atticus is quoted in chapter 20, page 17. The line, “I have nothing but pity in my heart for the chief witness for the state, but my pity does not extend so far as to putting a man’s life at stake.”, shows how Atticus being empathy towards Tom Robinson. The next example of empathy was showed by Scout towards Boo Radley. After Boo saves the children's lives, Scout can direct her empathy toward a real person, not a spectral presence. It is because; she learnt firsthand sacrifice and mercy. The line quoted in chapter 31, page 373, "Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives. But neighbors give in return. We never put back into the tree what we took out of it; we had given him nothing, and it made me sad”, shows the empathy of Scout to Boo. It is because, Boo is actually is not as bad as they think before. Boo who is actually a very nice person, but being misjudged by the society. The empathy value should be implemented in our society nowadays. It is because, empathy can help in building a strong and harmony society in Malaysia.
     The last theme discussed was bravery. It was clearly showed by Atticus, who decided to help Tom Robinson who is a black.  Atticus was claimed as a brave person because, although he knew that he will never win the case, he kept trying to drag the case to justice. It showed how brave he was even he had to face the whites community who hates the blacks community a lot. The bravery of Atticus was also showed when he had to kill the mad dog.  Although he knew it was very dangerous, he must do it to defend himself and the others.  Apart from that, the other example of the symbol of bravery in this theme was Mrs. Dubose. It is because; she managed to fight her addiction towards morphine. It showed how brave and determine she was in terms to fight the addiction which was so hard. Although she knew she will die, she keeps trying to fight the addiction. As example, a line quoted in chapter 11. The line, “died beholden to nothing and nobody” shows that Mrs. Dubose didn’t want to become addicted to the morphine and lives normally.  Then, the next example of bravery was shown by Boo Radley. This is when he tried to save Jem and Scout from being attacked by Bob Ewells. Although he knew he might be harm or killed, he still insisted to protect those kids from the evil Bob Ewells. Later on, Bob Ewells was killed and he successfully saves the kids. So, the bravery is a must have value in everyone. It is because, bravery can leads to confident. Apart from that, when people have this bravery, he or she will not afraid to try something new or to change themselves to be better. Thus, it will create a person with positive values and can help in building the nation.
     As a conclusion, this novel had touch on almost every aspects of life. This novel is also revealed the actual situation in the society. This novel had opened the new perspective in the readers mind on how bad the situation and the effects of racism in the social life. It also touched on the actual situation now in Malaysia. So, in order to have a good society, the racism among the citizens needs to be vanished. Try to apply the bravery and empathy values in everyday life. So, a new society with positive attitudes and thinking will be created. Thus, it may lead to a better life and nation.