
Funny English Words

Here are some funny English words with their meanings:

Anencephalous - Absence of a brain.

Borborygmus - Stomach rumbling.

Brouhaha - An uproar or noisy response.

Canoodle - Hugging and kissing.

Cantankerous - Bad tempered or grumpy.

Crudivore - Someone who eats raw food.

Discombobulate - To confuse someone.

Doozy - Something really good.

Fartlek - A training system for runners.

Flummox - To perplex or bewilder.

Gobbledygook - Meaningless or nonsensical language.

Kerfuffle - A mild scandal, commotion or fuss.

Klutz - A clumsy or foolish person.

Lickety-split - As quickly as possible.

Lollygag - To dawdle or spend time aimlessly.

Mollycoddle - To treat someone leniently.

Pratfall - A fall on the buttocks or an embarrassing action.

Rambunctious - Uncontrollably excitable or exuberant.

Shenanigan - Silly behaviour.

Skullduggery - Deception or trickery.

WEIRD, is it??..well, that is one of criteria that makes English is unique and FUN!